Aditya, the last born, was the baby in the family. Largely because we just treated him like one. Aditya was my adorable baby even at the age of 6. And he acted just like one! He needed to be fed, taken for a bath and we even needed to brush his teeth. In return he cuddled and remained totally dependent on his mama!
Wait! What was I doing? Aditya needed things done for him at home and in school! He did not know what responsibility was because we did not give it to him.
Responsibility must be encouraged at a very early age. A child who understands and takes on responsibility does better in school, and is more prepared for life. He or she gets self-reliant and understands cause and action. It is more power in his/her hands! This builds confidence and self-esteem.
Responsibility also comes with the need to take decisions and problem-solve. These are essential skills for life!
Overprotecting can make children less communicative and less confident. Often they are unable to take decisions and scared to even try because they are scared of failure.
We all love our children. Some times a little too much – I am an example. But we must be vigilant about whether this love is stifling responsibility. Sometimes letting them fall hurts but it’s the only way they will run!
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